Dearest Friends,


Matthew is our youngest puppeteer. He is only 8 years old. Bravely, he stood on the streets yesterday and told people about Jesus. He used a puppet which was a small golden egg , from which an emerald colored dragon hatched.

He told the crowd, “I bet you are wondering what is in my egg?” Then, his “pet” dragon popped up. Here is my favorite part of what he said. “ You are probably wondering what’s in my heart. It’s not a what. It’s a who. Jesus lives in my heart. He can live in your heart, if you put your trust in Him.” Awesome!

His father plays in the band and his mother makes sure that we are all fed. They have been my friends, my family for so many years.

Please pray for Matthew and all of us as we prepare to go to the streets this afternoon.

Very, Very Soon!!!

The 30th anniversary celebration is very soon. It is this coming Saturday at my house. Please come! Friends are coming from all over the world! We are so excited to celebrate all that the Father has done!

In Jesus, Linda, Kelsey, Drake, Jolly, God’s Handiwork, and Reality