Dearest Friends,

The Streets

I love fairy tales! I have always enjoyed Cinderella and the wonderful hours she enjoyed at the ball before the clock struck 12. Last night, I felt like Cinderella. We enjoyed a beautiful, amazing evening doing shows with Reality on the streets of Dublin. It was perfect! We arrived home at Midnight. I imagine that you are thinking how does a fancy ball compare with dirty streets? In the story, Cinderella had a most wonderful evening. Ours was even better!

Yes, we had a man that kept walking past us shouting words I can not repeat. A homeless man slept to the right of the puppet stage.Across the street from us, a man passed out drunk and slept on the street. Some people made sure that we knew they were laughing at us. Others, were more direct . A man came toward the puppet stage while they were singing. His face was incredibly angry. I knew he was trouble and moved toward him with my arms down and open, but he was moving very fast. He grabbed the puppet that was singing lead with both hands and threw it on the ground with force. Then he was gone.

I quickly grabbed the puppet and got it back to Kelsey. She kept singing. I was very grateful that the puppet did not land in anything disgusting. Please pray for this man and all the angry people we saw. They were not mad at us; they were angry with God. They do not understand that they desperately need Jesus. The One they hate loves them and that truth is what drives us to love them, too.

“Thank You For the Stories!”

After the first set with the band, the band leader , Stephen, and I reached the same conclusion. We felt no one was listening and we should quit. It was really bad, but then the Father surprised us with joy.
People started stopping and listening. The crowds came. The crazy part is that they were mostly adults. Why would a large crowd of adults out for an evening in Dublin stop on the street and listen to a Bible story? There is only one answer. The Lord did this beautiful thing. More, I had several of those adults come and thank me for the stories. Only one described herself as a Christian.

The adults were so enjoying the stories that they even made funny sounds and helped me tell the different stories. This was great! Many stayed for a couple of full sets and one lady stayed all evening. Another lady was weeping. There were so many good conversations about Jesus. The band gave away hundreds of CD’s and a lot of Gospel literature. We were more blessed than Cinderella ever was!

We are going out again tonight. It is dark on the streets and wonderful to be light. Will you pray?

In Jesus, Linda for Kelsey, Leslie, Reality, and God’s Handiwork