Dearest Friends,

Two Orphanages

Today was very special. We did 2 puppet shows at different orphanages. The children in the picture above are from one of those orphanages. They laughed and smiled and made us laugh and smile.

Some of the children had no parents. Others had been abandoned or brought there by their parents because they could not care for them. Some never knew their fathers as many young women are single moms here.

Abortion is the choice of many. At least the little ones we saw today were given life. I told them about the Father who offers them never stopping, always forgiving love. Some prayed with us today and trusted in Jesus to take away their heartache. Please hold these children in your prayers.

Everywhere we go, there is so much need. I know the Father can take care of every problem these children face. He is always enough!

In Jesus, Linda for Kelsey and Drake