Dearest Friends,

A Wonderful Story

I heard a story about a man’s journey to faith that I found quite encouraging! It is a desperate life for the Syrian refugees. They cannot go back to their old life, but they cannot move forward either. Presently, the United Nations is not resettling any Syrian refugees.In desperation, some choose to smuggle themselves into another country.

One man decided to take his family and mmjoin a group that was using a boat to escape to Greece. He had a dream where a figure dressed in white, who he knew to be Jesus, warned him not to go. Though he was not a believer, the dream was powerful and so he changed his please . Later, he heard that the boat he would have traveled on had sunk. No one survived. Is it any surprise that he came to faith?

Our Father is faithfully calling many to faith in this very desperate place. Jesus is the peace in the storm. He is the hope of the hopeless! Please pray for these new believers and ask the Lord to give them courage to share their faith.

Encouraged and Discouraged

The other day, I did a program for children that included many Afghan refugees. We had to translate into two Farsi dialects so that everyone could understand. That was challenging, but the Lord gave us wisdom and the children loved the Bible stories! I shared with the Afghan ladies and they really listened. A dear Iranian Christian lady asked wonderful questions and was so helpful .
We were all grateful for what the Lord had done!

The next meeting was with African refugees. It was a very discouraging time. Three ladies were texting and one was talking on the phone. The rest seemed to be staring into space. I could not have been more shocked when a friend commented that they had never seen them pay such good attention. Incredible!

I am glad this happened because it is such a good reminder to me to pray for my friends who serve here. Sometimes their service is hard and discouraging. Still, they follow. Please ask the Lord to encourage them today!

In Jesus, Linda