Dearest Friends,


Today, we did a show in a village where the people are known as rat-eaters. They are desperately poor, living in houses made of a straw frame covered in mud. Most Nepali people consider them "untouchable".

I imagine that it must have been so amazing for them to hear how the living God sees them and knows their names. He welcomes them!

The entire village came to see the puppet show. I have no words for the great joy that filled my heart as I told them about Jesus’ love for them. Please pray with me that the Father will give us His eyes to see the children that the world ignores. Wonderful news! Tik plans to return to this place to show the Jesus film and do more programs for the children.

Two Schools

We went to two schools today located in the middle of nowhere. Both were in remote farming areas and full of children. One had 500 students and the other 200 students. All of the children and even the teachers loved the show. When I pointed to an imaginary cave , high on a hill, as part of the story , the entire school stood up and turned around to see it. They were caught up in the story! Many prayed out loud, trusting in Jesus as their rescuer.

A teacher came to tell me how excited he was to hear the story about Jesus calming the storm. He had never heard it before and loved it. We promised him a Bible so that he could read more stories. He was like a small child, eager to hear more. He said the story had touched him.

Our third and last show of the day touched all of us. It’s hard to explain how sweet it is to be dirty and hot and tired and happy beyond words! Though we were not allowed to pray with the children, we did tell them how to pray. They gave us big smiles to thank us! We are in the most spiritually dark part of Nepal. Monkey and elephant gods are everywhere

Please pray!

In Jesus, Linda for Jolly, Tik and our Nepali team