Dearest Friends,


The streets in Dublin are full of tourists, but also many hurting people. Some have dreams or big plans that brought them here, but their reality is a park bench for a bed. They are homeless and hungry and in need of a rescue. We heard so many stories today . A lady was grieving the death of her 31 year old daughter. A drunken man was so disgusted with himself that he suggested to me the best way to deal with an alcoholic was to kill him. Only Jesus can heal these dear people.

It is important to see people as God made them. It matters that we show them kindness and treat them with respect. I am always thinking of how patient God is with me and my failings. As I see my own sin with greater clarity, I find it easy to show mercy.

Brokenness looks different on some people. There were big crowds at our programs today filled with families and people we would see as "nice". Many of these people are just as broken as the drunk man I talked to or the young man on drugs who danced to the music. They smell better, but their hearts also need a rescue.

It is an honor to love all of these people in Jesus name! Please pray for us as we have planned Sunday afternoon shows in Dublin. Please pray for all of the Gospels of John that we are giving away. People have been very eager to receive them. There seems to be a hunger and curiosity about the Bible. I have not seen this before here. Please pray!

In Jesus, Linda for Reality and The Agape Puppets