Dearest Friends,

The Muslim Ladies Bible Study

We had the sweetest time together! God blessed us with twice the number of ladies that we had at the meeting on Monday. We talked with them about who Jesus is and how He lived His life on earth as a servant. We told them how He went to the poor, the broken hearted, and the sick and healed their deepest hurts and met their needs. This is not the Jesus that they have met in the Koran. More, we explained how He is the Son of God and hoe only Jesus can be the sacrifice God requires.

At this point, you probably think everyone got mad and went home. However, that is not what happened. They listened! I asked them if they had ever wanted a new life. They all said , "Yes!" Then they leaned forward to hear more. Using the story of the prodigal son, we explained God’s love and compassion for them. Using an illustration of 2 cliffs with God on one side and us on the other separated from Him by our sin, Shadi explained Jesus as the bridge to God.

What was their response? Some of the ladies spoke to Shadi and said to please always include them in our meetings. All kissed me on the cheek three times and told me that they loved me. It was a beautiful time as we saw the Father begin to reveal Himself to these dear ladies. Hold them in your prayers, asking God to reveal all truth to them!

A Refugee’s Pain

The ladies told me such heart breaking things! One lady tried to cross into Syria to take her daughter and grandchildren milk and other food that they desperately needed. They took it from her as her daughter is in an area that they are trying to starve into submission. She cannot leave with her children because her husband must sign papers saying that she can take the children out of the country. He was arrested 2 years ago and has not been seen or heard from since. When the police took him they said he would be released after 10 minutes of questioning. He is probably dead and his family is trapped.

Another lady wept as she told how they escaped with their 4 children, but had to leave their 18 year old daughter behind. Something had happened to her papers and the government is not issuing any new ones. She calls her mother all the time, asking if they have forgotten her. Her mother left the room consumed with grief.

Many spoke of how others had taken their homes after they left. They have no home anymore. Last year, they were all talking of going home. They wanted me to come and visit them. Now, hope is dead. No one speaks of going home!

The children do not get to be children. I pulled colored pencils from my purse and put a big sheet of white paper on the table for the 7 children who were at the study with their mothers. They were thrilled, coloring for an hour and so happy. Several drew pretty houses. When I asked them about the pictures, they told me that they were not their real houses. They said that it was the house they dreamed of having. I traded them all my colored pencils for their drawing and gave them extra paper. You should have seen their smiles!

Everyone is hungry. Shadi and I delivered many boxes of food, but it is a drop in the pond against the great needs these people face! Pray they come to Jesus! He is their greatest need! Pray for their physical needs! If you want to help meet these needs, please write me and I will put you in touch with Pastor Shadi.


Please pray me safely home as I leave in a few hours. I will arrive in Atlanta on Friday afternoon. I am traveling alone, but in truth, I am never alone!

In Jesus, Linda for Pastor Shadi and our puppet team